City of Bethlehem Recreation Bureau
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Create an Account (Required to access all of our services)
Skate Sharpening
Purchase a Gift Certificate
Bethlehem Recreation Website
Monocacy Pavilion
Pavilion Rentals *Reservations are now being accepted for Saturday, April 12th- Sunday, October 5th*

Welcome to the City of Bethlehem Bureau of Recreation

To utilize our recreation services, you will need to Create an Account or Log In to an existing account. If you are purchasing a season pass, renting a pavilion or signing up for lessons, you will also need to upload a photo for each respective member. If you are a resident of Bethlehem, you will need to upload proof of residency* for all members in the account in order to receive the resident rate. The photo and data provided - emergency contacts, medical information, etc. - will help us better serve you. This information will also be automatically placed into your registration forms.

*Members 17 and under can upload a parent or guardian's proof of residency. Anyone 18 or older must submit his/her own document.

Note: Season passes WILL NOT be issued, pavilion rental WILL NOT be approved, and lessons WILL NOT be registered until PHOTO IDs and PROOF OF RESIDENCY (when applicable) are provided. (Located in "Required Documents" at the bottom of the respective member's page)

When you’re ready to start registering for activities, be sure to review the How to Register for an Activity page.